
Tea and Donkey rides in Petra

Tea and Donkey rides in Petra

One of the main attractions of Jordan is Petra. Between 400 B.C. and A.D. 106 Petra was the capital of the Nabataean empire. This thriving city was a center for trade. Its buildings were carved out of the rock faces. How? They had no tools other than stones. But they possibly used ropes to suspend builders from the top of the rock faces. The designs of the buildings are amazingly accurate and symmetrical and include pillars and intricate  details. 

The Desert Castles of Jordan

The Desert Castles of Jordan

From Amman, Jordan there are many interesting day trips to make, following ancient routes that, except for the roads’ surface, have not changed locations over the centuries.

The Kings’ Highway follows ancient trade routes, connecting north and south of the country. It is believed that the Three Wise Men followed at least part of this very same route on their way to Bethlehem. Moses used it to lead his people to Canaan… The Bible refers to it by name.

Southern California: Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

Southern California: Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

We were hiking in an oasis near Palm Springs. Having driven here through endless dry, sandy desert, I marvelled out loud about the presence of water in the desert. “Well,” said the volunteer park ranger, “that’s because of the cracks in the earth here. Water comes up from underground and is collected in the canyons along these cracks. You are standing on top of the San Andreas Fault here.” And she pointed to my feet.